Australian Primary Hemp - The Naked Farmer

Getting NAKED for a good cause!

Nudity and mental health are two things you usually don’t associate with each other.
But Ben Brooksby has created a viral trend by combining nudity and mental health, in support of a fantastic cause.

Ben Brooksby founded The Naked Farmer in May 2017 at the age of 24 after experiencing first hand the extreme toll farming in Australia can have on a person mentally. Being a 5th generation farmer in the Western District of Victoria, Ben courageously got his gear off and posed for a photo in the hope of shining some light on the topic of rural mental health.

Ben Brooksby

From there The Naked Farmer went viral.

Although the photos are hilarious and well positioned, there is an important message behind it all; 'It takes as much guts to take your clothes off for a photo as it takes to talk about mental health issues', which we couldn’t agree more with!

At Australian Primary Hemp, farming plays a major role in the company and personally for all our employees. 90% of our team is made up of farmers, farmers daughters and farmers sons that have all grown up in rural communities around Australia. Rural mental health is something that means so much to the entire team at Australian Primary Hemp and we are incredibly passionate to be helping Ben on his journey of raising awareness.

This is why we decided to jump on board and take an image in one of our hemp crops, which is located just outside Geelong. One of o
ur Directors, James Hood and our Operations Coordinator, Will Boyd were brave enough to take their clothes off and jump in the hemp crop on behalf of the company.

Australian Primary Hemp - the Naked Farmer

We hope this fantastic image of the two of them, will remind people just how important farmers are to our economy and that mental health among farmers is something that needs to be spoken about more.

For more information on how you can get involved with The Naked Farmer or how to donate, please head to

Lastly, if you are struggling or need someone to speak to please don’t hesitate to contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.