According to research, Hemp dates back as early as 8,000+ BC where ancient villages in Taiwan used hemp cord in pottery. This makes hemp one of the first and oldest known human agricultural crops!

Apart from being an incredibly nutritious source of food, hemp has over 25,000 different uses such as clothing, skincare, construction materials, biofuel and rope. Hemp is also is recyclable, reusable and 100% biodegradable, making it an incredibly sustainable and versatile crop.

Interested in growing hemp?

We’re looking for new Australian farmers to grow hemp. Our mission is to help farmers with seed selection, licensing, hemp farming education so that you can produce the best crops possible.

If you’re interested in please email with all the details of your farm and one of our farming team will be in touch

Plus, this rare seed is one of a few plant based sources to contain...


    The ideal 1:3 ratio of omega 3 to 6.

  • GLA

    The powerful essential fatty acid, GLA (gamma linolenic acid).


    Amino acids, including those not produced by the body.


    An abundance of plant protein and fibre.


    A range of necessary vitamins and minerals such as; magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins B1 and B3.