Hand Sanitiser

PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Hemp Hand Sanitiser

We launched a new product! 

It is always such an exciting time when an idea comes to fruition and you have the actual tangible product you dreamt of in your hand ready to share with the world. 

Now if you have read the heading you are probably thinking, that's not what I expected!? And you are right! This is the first product we have created that isn’t a consumable. Very out of the ordinary for us. 

But, considering the “unprecedented” state of the world right now, we thought it would be best to spend our energy creating something that can help you stay safe from germs this winter.

After the first week of COVID-19 lockdown in Australia, we noticed our hands were feeling dry and chalky. All that hand sanitiser that we had been profusely using had stripped all the moisture from our skin, leaving them raw. It was then when we had that light bulb moment! 

What if we created a hand sanitiser that helped nourish and replenish instead of stripping the moisture from our skin?! 

Hemp Oil is well known for its skin nourishing benefits. Its ideal ratio of omega 3 and 6 has meant that it is often used to moisturise and hydrate dry and irritated skin. So we decided to try combining the two of them! 

We called up our friends at the Bellarine Distillery and together we created a Hemp & Bush Balm Mint Hand Sanitiser. 

It not only works wonders on your skin but is also:

  • Antibacterial to fight away germs,
  • Scented so your skin smells less like alcohol and more like the fresh Australian bush,
  • Pocket-sized, so you can take it on the go with you anywhere,
  • And comes with an easy to use spray pump!  

The spray pump was a must for this product! How many times have you gone to use the hand sanitiser and it has just squirted out everywhere! Most times missing your hand completely and ending up on your outfit… Surely we aren’t the only ones that this happens to!

So by putting the Hand Sanitiser in a spray pump bottle it eliminates any mess and instead makes applying quick and easy.

We are extremely pleased with this product and we hope you will find it just as useful. You can click here to shop our range of Hemp and Bush Balm Mint Hand Sanitisers!

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